Pop-up kitchen PIA acknowledged in USA

Pop-up kitchen PIA acknowledged in USA

Dizz Concept’s Pop-up kitchen PIA continues to attract the attention of the design community across the world. The latest recognition comes from the Industrial Designers Society of America that honored our Pop-up kitchen PIA by qualifying our product as a finalist for the International Design Excellence Award (IDEA). We are very grateful for this recognition that will no doubt play a major role in paving the way in our effort to reach the US markets.

Naša Pop-up kuhinja PIA ponovno je u centru pozornosti dizajnerske zajednice. Posljedne u nizu priznanja koja su dodijeljena našim proizvodima, stiže od strane Industrial Designers Society of America koji su našu Pop-up kuhinju PIA-u svrstali u samo finale izbora za IDEA nagradu (International Design Excellecnce Award). Veoma smo zahvalni na ovom priznanju koje će nesumnjivo uvelike pridonijeti u našem nastojanju ka pozicioniranju na tržišu SAD-a.